Embark on an extraordinary adventure in our Mobula Safari, where you’ll encounter the largest aggregation of Mobula rays in the world. From April to July, these majestic creatures gather in La Ventana to feed and breed, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that will leave you in awe. Immerse yourself in the unforgettable experience of a Mobula Safari as you swim alongside thousands of graceful rays, witnessing their acrobatic jumps and graceful movements. Get ready for an adventure like no other, where you’ll be surrounded by the beauty and wonder of these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.
Your day begins in La Paz at 6-7 am, ready to embark on an unforgettable journey. A short 45-minute drive takes us to the enchanting mobula area. Once aboard the boat, our experienced crew will actively search for the presence of mobula rays. When we locate these magnificent creatures, you’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in their world. Accompanied by our knowledgeable guide, you’ll follow a code of conduct that ensures a respectful approach, allowing you to swim and freedive alongside the mobulas. After an incredible Mobula Safari day, we’ll return to La Paz around 3 pm, leaving you with memories to cherish forever.
The deep underwater canyons in this area attract an unrivaled variety of marine life. The most wonderful thing about this safari experience is that we never know what we are going to find. Keep reading to find out what species we can find during Mobula Safari.
Join a group for $3900 pesos per person
Book 2+ days – $3800 pesos per day
Private charter from La Paz starting at $17,500 mxn
Private charter from La Ventana starting at $14,000 mxn
Sentirse cómodo en el agua. No es necesario estar certificado en apnea ya que la mayoría de las mobulas están cerca de la superficie. Sin embargo, la actividad puede requerir natación activa por cortos períodos de tiempo. Si eres un apneísta, eres bienvenido a bucear siguiendo las pautas del código de conducta.
Abril a Julio
Dates 2024:
Available every day April20-June 30th. Email us to book your spot.
Toalla, sombrero, bloqueador solar, rashguard, lentes de sol, buff, botella de agua reutilizable, efectivo.
Si tienes tu propio equipo de snorkel/apnea, puedes traerlo.